William T. Fryer, III


University of Baltimore School of Law

l420 North Charles Street

Baltimore, Maryland 2l20l

Telephone Office ----- (410) 837-4553

Home ------- (30l) 656-9479

Fax --------- (301) 656-7914

E-mail:  fryer@fryer.com


B.S. in Electronics Engineering, Lafayette College, l955, Easton, Pennsylvania; Tau Beta Pi (honorary engineering fraternity) and Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers award.

Juris Doctor (with Honors), George Washington University Law School, l960, Washington, D.C.; law review staff.  Member of the Bar of the State of Maryland; inactive member of the South Dakota Bar.


Professor, l980 to present, University of Baltimore School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland.

Law School Courses Developed

Technology Transfer (3 credits), evening, initiated and jointly taught for one semester with Chuck Yocum, adjunct professor, Senior Patent Counsel, Black & Decker Corp.  Source has continued by Chuck as coordinator with extensive The course uses group negotiation and development of technology transfer agreements for hardware and software, to teach the skills of technology tranafer.improvements.

International and Foreign Intellectual Property Law (3 credits), evening,
Coordinated development of course with Adjunct Professor David Demiray

IP Practice Workshop, (1 credit), Saturday (for day and evening students).
Complements Patent, Trademark and Technology Law course: IP projects with
IP practitioners participating and discussion of IP career development.

Other Law School Courses Developed

Technology Transfer (3 credits), evening, Coordinated initial development of course with Chuck Yocum, adjunct professor who  refined course extensively and continues to teach it at Univesity of Baltimore School of Law.

Lab to Market Program at Law School and Business School, University of Baltimore
This program was jointly conceived in early 1990 by Lanny Herron, Neil Kleinman and William T. Fryer, III.  A $1,000,000 federal grant was obtained to develop the curriculam for this course.  During that time each of the originators was integrally involved in teaching and planning development of these courses.  The structure includes  the following  courses:  Opportunity Analysis (OA), the Commercialization Planning (CP) and the Commercial Implementation (CI), where students from the law, business and other schools work in teams to evaluate real  technology from government  labs and other sources, and plan technlogy commericalization.  The  The OA and CP courses are cross listed as law and graduate Business School courses.  This program continues under the direction of Professor Herron, and it has been refined extensively, and Professor Fryer's role is liaison from the Law School to the program, and participation in some of the classes.

Law School Courses Taught Regularly:

IP Practice Workshop (3credits), Saturday (for day and evening students).

Patent, Trademark, and Technology Law (3 credits), day and evening sections,

Patent, Copyright, and Trademark Law Seminar

(3 credits), and

Business Planning (start-up high technology - 3 credits)

Law School Courses Taught Previously:

Agency and Partnership



Corporate Tax

In Business School, Lab to Market courses (Opportunity Analysis and Commercialization Planning), taught jointly with Professors Herron and Kleinman, 1992-1994 (currently consulting role to this program).

Expert Witness in intellectual property cases.

Lecturer in Patent Law, l98l to l988 for foreign patent attorneys studying in Washington, D.C.; Oblon, Fisher, et al law firm sponsored.

Professor, l975-l978, l979-l980, University of South Dakota School of Law, Vermillion, South Dakota.

Visiting Professor, l978-l979, Pepperdine University Law School, Malibu, California.

Adjunct Professor, l970-l975, Capitol University School of Law, Columbus, Ohio.

Patent Department Head, l967-l974, Industrial Nucleonics Corp., Columbus, Ohio. Industrial controls, computer system products, highly dependent on new technology and patent protection; major world-wide marketing operation. Managed patent program in U.S. and several foreign countries, including patent application work, patent infringement analysis, litigation evaluation, licensing review, and intellectual property aspects of mergers and acquisition. Managed world-wide trademark protection program. Developed policies and procedures on disclosing and processing inventions, employee agreements on inventions, publication review, and trademark use.

Patent Attorney (registration no. 19173), since 1960; l963-l967, Industrial Nucleonics Corp. Patent preparation, prosecution, infringement and validity studies on mechanical, electronic devices, and computer systems. Assisted in major patent and trade secret litigation challenging company's basic patent. Handled world-wide trademark registration work.

Patent Attorney, l96l-l963, Private Practice, Arnold and Roylance, Houston, Texas. Intellectual property law practice, including patent application, prosecution, interferences, and litigation.

Patent Attorney and Patent Engineer, l957-l96l, Office of Assistant General Counsel for Patents, U.S.Atomic Energy Commission, Germantown, Md. Invention patent searching and evaluation in electronic, physics, and nuclear technology, government contract developments. Handled interviews and related prosecution of patent applications with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in these fields. Patent compensation awards claims evaluation, including work on federal appellate court briefs, assisting Department of Justice.

Patent Examiner, l955-l957, U.S. Patent Office. Examined patent applications in electronic device and systems technology.


Representative from Law School to University Council (current position)

Member of the International Center Advisory Committee (current position)

Member from the University Council of the University of Baltimore Budget Taskforce (10/2004  to 1/2005)

Coordinator of IP Moot Court Program (1981 to present):

    Brands Names Foundation Moot Court Team  -- adjunct professor advisor handles practice supervision

    Giles Rich Competition - American Intellectual Property Law Association), Advisor.

Co-Advisor, Intellectual Property Law Society (student organization) (1992 - 2004 only advisor).

Senior Advisor to University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Law Journal.  (since beginning of Journal, in 1993 and to present)

Coordinator of University of Baltimore School of Law Intellectual Property Attorney Alumni Directory, publishing directory and periodic newsletters for intellectual property practitioners who graduated from the University (Published periodically)

Law School liaison to the Business School Lab to Market program Current position).

Advisor to the University of Baltimore Center for Technology Commercialization. (Current position)


Attended ABA, Section of IP Law K , 2005 Leaderhsip  Midwinter Meeting, January 22-26, Miami, Florida.

Lecture at Chuo University Law School seminar on U.S. trade dress law.; and participated in a debate on U. S. patent law and Japanese patent law, in Patents course, October 22, 2004.

Presented paper on Medicine Safety Review & Indentification Alternatives, organized by Professor Sato, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, October 20, 2004.

Attended annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Intellectual Property Teaching and Researcy, Utretch University, Ultretch, The Netherlands, July 1- 24, 2004.

Attended user meeting of the  Geneva Act  (1999) of the Hague Agreement, held at the World Intellectual Property Organization, July 2004, Geneva, Switzerland.

Research at UN, World Health Organizaition, and World Intellectual Property Organization Libraries, July 1-31, 2005

Attended summer ABA, Section of IP Law Conference, Toronto,Canada, June 16-20, 2004

Presented talk titled: IP and Folklore -- An Introduction, at the University of Baltimore School of Law IP Society 5th Annual Symposium, March 6, 2004

Professor Katsuyuki Izumi was a visiting scholar from Takushima University, Takushima, Japan at the University of Baltimore School of Law,, from June 2003 to March 2004.  I was his advisor and he attended my my IP classes.

Presented a paper titled:  The Hague Agreement on International Industrial Design Registration, Geneva Act Revision at the NY IP Association Conference on the Madrid Protocol and the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement, New York City, February 9, 2004.

Presented a talk at the AIPLA annual meeting of the Industrial Designs Committee, Oct. 18, 2003), Washington, D. C., on the Geneva Act of the Hague Agrement Concerning the Registration of Industrial Designs ratification process.

Presented talk at the Maryland Bar Association, Business Section, Committee on Intellectual Property Law, Oct. 1, 2003, titled "Revolution in U.S. Patent, Trademark, Copyright and Industrial Designs".

Attended annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP).  Member of the ATRIP Executive Committee, Tokyo, Japan, August 4-6, 2003.   At that meeting I presented a paper titled: Design Registration (DR) and Patent Statistics:  A National and Global Analysis.   During this visit to Japan, I taught a large introductory IP Law class with Professor Sato at Chuo University.  and participated in his IP Seminar class.

Attended the annual meeting of the ABA, IP Law Section in Philadelphia, Pa. (June 26-30, 2003), and participated in the debate on the harmonization of U. S. patent laws that was transmitted over the Internet, a first time event for this organization.

Represented ATRIP at the 5th Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, at the UN, World Intellectional Property Organization, in Geneva, Switzerland, July 7-15, 2003.

Interviewed   by Tom Jackson, an editor from the Professional Boatbuilders magazine, and part of this interview was published in an article titled :  Anti-Splashing Protection Has Arrived, appearing on page 104, vol. 83, June/July 2003 issue.

Oral testimony on March 18, 2003 before a panel of U. S. Copyright officials in a panel including boat manufacturer representatives on the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act, 17 U. S. C. sections 1301-1332, in response to Federal Register Notice, Feb. 13, 2003 (Vol. 68, No. 30, page 7350-7351 (100 pages including appendices).

Attended the ABA, IP Law Section Midwinter Meeting of Officers and Chairs in Sarasota, Florida, January 18-21, 2003, and provided a written and oral report to the IPL Section Council on activities as Liaison to the ABA, Section of International Law, Committee on Coordination with the UN (2002 to present).

Attended Executive Committee and annual meeting of ATRIP (Association for the Advancement of  Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property),in New Delhi, India, October 3-11, 2002; presented a paper titled:  "Revolution in U. S. Patent, Trademark, Copyright and Industrial Designs.  Continued as ATRIP web site manager (http://www.atrip.org); initiated mentor program for new ATRIP members (trail start).

Present paper and participated in panel discussion on Trade Dress Protection at the ABA- IP Section Spring Conference, on April 12, 2002, in Washington, D. C.

Attended ABA, IP Section, Officers and Committee Chair Midwinter meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, January 20-23, 2002; report presented as Section Liaison to the ABA, International Section, Committee on UN Coordination.

Presented the opening address at the FICPI Design Conference in Rome, Italy, November 14-16, 2001, and participated in panel discussion on the future of industrial design protection harmonization.  I assisted in the planning of this confernce which was organized by Rober Mitchell and Joseph Kolasch, over a two year period.  Selected papers from this conference will be published in the University of Baltimore School of Law IP Law Journal, and this project is being coordinated,

Attended AIPLA Annual Meeting of the Industrial Designs Committee on October 17, 2001, and prepared the minutes for the meeting for publication in the AIPLA Bulletin.

Presented talk at the Maryland Bar Association, Business Section, IP Committee, recent developments in U. S. IP law, October 1, 2003.

Attended Executive Council meeting and annual meeting of ATRIP, at the University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 19-22, 2001..  Present paper on the U. S. Vessel Hull Design Protection Act.

Coordinated visit of plant biologist research scientist, Siva Balasubrama, from India, who received a Fulbright Scholarship for six months to study IP at Univesity of Baltimore of Law, August 2001 to February 2002.

Completed term as chair of the ABA, IP Section Committee 412 (Industrial Design)(1999-2001.

Attended annual meeting of the ABA, IP Section, held in Seattle, Washington, June 27-30, 200.

Presented paper: The DotCom Nightmare or Opportunity? - The Business Method Patent", at the University of Baltimore Merrick School of Business DotCom Conference, April 24, 2001

Conducted research, June 1 to 22, 2001, at UN Offices in Geneva, including World Health Organization, on drug patents and licensing, and at the World Intellectual Property Organization on several IP subjects.

In March 2001 met with a Research Group from the Japanese Patent Office in Washington, D.C. on the study of U. S. protection of computer-generated displays.

Presented paper on International IP Developments at UB IP Law Society Second Annual IP Current Developments Symposium, Feb. 9, 2001.

Attended the ABA, Section of IP Law Midwinter Meeting, Jan 26-30, 2001, in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and submitted report for Committee 412 (Industrial Designs) and and oral report update.

During the semester break, at the invitation of the Japanese government and Chuo University, participated in several activites in Japan: presented paper on business method paptent related U.S. legislation at the 2000 Tokyo Internet Law Conference, held December 18 and 19, 2000, and participated in a panel discussion at that meeting on this subject with European and Japanese professors.  At Chuo University, in Tokyo on December 20, 2000, lectured in an IP course class of 125 students on U. S. patent law changes that harmonized essentially with laws of other countries; following that class, participated in an IP seminar where a final report was presented by students on Japanese unfair competition law design protection, and he lectured on comparative U.S. laws.  On December 22, 2000, particpated a meeting at the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) to discuss interpretation of a provision in Japanese design registration law that concerned U. S. practitioners.

Attended annual general meeting  and Executive Committee meeting of ATRIP (Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property) in Santorini, Greece, September 18-19, 2000.

Work for two months summer 2000 on various projects WIPO.  The projects included assisting in planning a curriculum and web site and teaching in the WIPO Academy  and research.

Assisted in organizing Continuing Legal Education program at the American Bar Association, Sectionof Intellectual Property law, Business Meeting, in Boston, MA, June 2000, on trade dress protection;  presented papers titled "Boosting Your Trade Dress Protection in the U. S. A. and Abroad" and "International Product Shape Protection under Trademark Registration and Industrial Design Registration Laws:  Further harmonization Needed".

Coordinated hosting Professor Keita Sato from Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, at University of Baltimore School of Law, where he participated in intellectual Property courses and gave an address to the faculty on Development of Legal Education in Japan, March 2000

Presented talk on industrial desgn developments at the Copyright Society of U.S.A meeting., Napa Valley, CA, Feb. 11 and 12, 2000.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Intellectual Property Law Association annual meeting, Crystal City, VA, on Oct. 21, 1999.

Fall  1999 tutored students as a part of the WIPO Academy Distance Learning Course DL101, Introduction ot Intellectual Property.

Chair of the American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property Law Committee 412 - Industrial Designs, 1999 to present.

Attend the annual meeting of ATRIP (Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research and Intellectual Property), held at WIPO, July 12 and 13, 1999.  Presented paper and moderated session.  Elected to serve on the ATRIP Executive Committee for a two year term.

Represented the American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property law (IP Section) at the Diplomatic Conference on the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs, held at WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland, June 16 to July 6, 1999.  Prepared resolution and obtain approval  of IP Section resolution in support of the proposed treaty successful completion.

Conducted research at WIPO June and July 1999, and assisted the WIPO Academy in summer program for visiting scholars.

During the last mentioned visit to Japan in the summer of 1998, lectures and and written papers were presented to the following professional organizations of attorneys at meeting centers in Tokyo: Japanese Design Protection Association - Recent Developments in U. S. Design Patent Protection and U. S. Design Protection Legislation, and the Japanese Trademark Association - The U. S. Debate on Product Design Trademark Protection.

Visiting professor at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, for entire month of June 1998. The work included giving lectures in several courses and participating in seminars. For each lecture, a paper in English was distributed to the students, to assist in communications. Lectures were translated into Japanese at intervals during the presentations. The papers presented were: Introduction to the U.S. Patent System: For a Comparative Study; U. S Patent System: First to Invent - A Comparative Study; First to File and First to Invent Systems; Introduction to U.S. Industrial Design Protection; U. S. Patent System Doctrine of Equivalents: for a Comparative Study; Claim for Improved Bag Closure Device - Example of Doctrine of Equivalents Analysis; U.S. Intellectual Property Law Related Treaties and International Agreements: For a Comparative Study.

Prepared and distributed updated Directory (1998) of UB law School Alumni Intellectual Property Law Property Practitioners (188 names), and a 1998-1 newsletter on UB Intellectual Property program activities.

Presented paper: Obtaining Design Protection Worldwide Today and in the Promissing Near Future, at American Intellectual Property Law Association Midwinter Meeting, La Quinta, CA, January 22, 1998.

Presented report of Special Committee 351 on Hague Agreement (Industrial Designs) at ABA, Section of Intellectual Property Law, Midwinter Meeting, January 20, 1998.

Co-presented a conference at the National Law School of India, reviewing developments in intellectual property law teaching in law schools, held November 24-26, 1997, in Bangalore, India, and sponsored by the UN (World Intellectual Property Organization). Professors from Australia, India and Malaysia were the other presenters.

Represented the American Bar Association, Section on Intellectual Property Law, at the 7th Meeting of Experts on revision of the Hague Agreement on the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, held in at the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, November 3-7, 1997. As for the previous meetings, preparation was over the full interval between meetings, and involved research, preparation of proposals and coordination with the U.S. government and bar organizations.

Testified before the U.S. House, Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property, October 23, 1998, answering questions at oral hearing..

Organized and co-taught for second time UN (World Intellectual Property Organization) two week September 1997 course in Jakarta, Indonesia, on intellectual property law to Indonesian law professors, to assist in developing courses; under direction of the UN ( World Intellectual Property Organization), Geneva, Switzerland. Professor from Australia and Vice President of Paramount Pictures particpated in the program. Program co-sponsored by the University of Indonesia.

Presented paper, Internet Intellectual Property Research and Publication: A search for quality and Global Communications, at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property, held in Paris, France, July 7-9, 1997.

Participated in Franklin Pierce Law Center 6th Biannual Conference on Patent System Major Problems, April 11-12, 1997.

Organized full day National Conference on Industrial Design Protection (see Program Booklet), held October 23, 1996, Washington, D.C., sponsored by the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA), Industrial Designers Society of American and University of Baltimore School of Law. Presented paper on The 21st Century Design Patent System (see Publications list below).

Consultant to U.S. Agency for International Development conference held September-November 1996, at University of Baltimore School of Law, based on $100,000 grant, on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the U.S. and China, involving U.S. and Chinese practitioners, professors and judges.

Received 1996 award for outstanding education program from Maryland Association on Higher Education, with two other recipients, for developing the Lab to Market (Technology Transfer) courses at the University of Baltimore.

Organized and co-taught UN mission course in Indonesia, on intellectual property law to Indonesian law professors; program held July 8 to 26, 1996, in Jakarta, Indonesia, under direction of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Professor from Belgium participated in program.

Presented talk to the AIPLA Electronics and Computer Committee and Industrial Designs Committee on computer-generated icon protection by design patent at the AIPLA Midwinter Institute on Computer Law, La Quinta, CA (1/14/96).

Submitted written comments to Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) on proposed Interim Guidelines Concerning Computer-Generated Icon Design Patent Applications (12/4/95). Coordinated preparation of AIPLA position on design patent protection of computer-generated icons, and prepared comments submitted by AIPLA president.

Present paper at American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA, IPL Section), Use of Utility and Design Patent to Protect the Same Product: A Strategy for Success (6/23/95).

Testified at public hearing concerning the publication of patents at 18 months from U.S. filing date, particularly on the publication of design patents (2/15/95), and presented written comments.

Consulting continues with the Japanese government in their review of changes for protection of designs and revision of their design patent law.

Assisted Australian government in international study of design protection developments, and on preparation of proposed revision of their design laws.

Attended meeting of experts on the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, held 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995 at WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland, coordinating with U.S. government and representing the AIPLA and the American Bar Association (Developing a revised treaty for adherence by more countries).

Speaker at ABA, IPL Section Continuing Education Program, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 22, 1995; Topic: The Use of Utility Patents and Designs Patents to Protect the Same Product: A Strategy for Success

Chairman of ABA, IPL Section Committee on the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, 1991-present

Chairman of AIPLA Special Committee on Industrial Designs, now the Industrial Designs Committee, 1994-present; organized programs and moderated several meetings.

Comments on 18 Months Publication of Patent Applications, Public Hearing Statement, February 14, 1995, published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, on Internet and as part of the hearing record.

Lectured in Japan on design patent law and practice concerning computer-generated icon protection, and other topics, at a series of international conferences organized by Japanese Patent Office and other organizations, November 3-21, 1994.

Papers presented at meeting of Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research of Intellectual Property Law, Stockholm, Sweden, July 1993; topics: (abbreviated) Qualifications and examination of person to become patent attorneys in the U.S.; Cooperation between Business and Law School at University of Baltimore in the Lab to Market program

Presented paper on revision of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial designs at Fordham University School of Law conference on European Community and U.S. Intellectual Property law, April 1993.

Paper presented at meeting of Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research of Intellectual Property Law, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1992; topic: (abbreviated) University of Baltimore School of Law Technology Transfer Course.

Speaker at Federation Internationale des Conseils en Propriete (FICPI) World Congress, Harrogate, England, October 2, 1991; Topic: U.S. and International Industrial Design Developments.

Member of ABA, IPL Section Committee on Industrial Designs, 1980- present.

Conducted foreign industrial design law research on a fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright and Competition Protection, February-June 1990.

Participated in the development of a proposal on EC industrial design law at the Max-Planck Institute in the Institute's development and held discussions with the EC on a Community industrial design directive, 1989-1990.

Conducted industrial design research on foreign laws and treaties at the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, June and July 1990.

On industrial design law and practice, assisted the Japanese Patent Office in review of alternatives for improving Japanese system, 1990-present.

Conference Participant, attending WIPO 5th meeting of experts, parts I and II, held in June and December l988, and 8th meeting, Part I, held June 1990, on the patent law harmonization draft treaty, as a representative of ATRIP.

National Industrial Design law and Practice Conference, organized conference and moderated one session at the University of Baltimore School of Law, March l0 and ll, l989, attended by over l30 persons, including participants from several foreign countries.

Member of Council, American Bar Association, Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Section (ABA-PTC Section), l987-l99l.

U. S. Patent and Trademark Office Examination Board Member, preparing questions for the agent/attorney patent exam in l987 to present.

Charter Member and Secretary (1987-1989), International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (organization of law professors, supported by the United Nations, World Intellectual Property organization). Organized and moderated part of the l988 annual meeting held in Washington, D.C. ( Member since 1981).

Chairman Patent Law Program, ABA-PTC Section CLE Program, March l988, in Washington, D.C. Organized and moderated 5.5 hour program.

ABA-PTC Section Committee 305 (Industrial Designs), currently member; l982-l986, chairman, coordinated education programs for industry on industrial design law and assisted in redrafting of legislation.

Member, Maryland Bar Association, Section on Corporations, Business and Banking, Committee on Partnerships, l984-present; redrafted part of the Maryland Limited Partnership Act (enacted in 1988); Committee on Intellectual Property since formation in 1990.

PUBLICATIONS (selected list)

Special Note:  Several papers were prepared for publication only on professor's web site (http://www.fryer.com). Other papers were published on the Fryer web site (http://www.fryer.com) and in other publications, as indicated in the individual listing of the papers.

Fryer Institute  web site pulbications:   Newsletter No. 7, published only on Fryer Institute web site, uploaded on March 9, 2005, containing introduction to the FICPI Rome, Italy, Designs Symposium in 2001, and the University of Baltimore School of Law IP Journal volume 10, Issue 2, with articles from that conference;  Introduction to the Venice, Italy, International Conference on designs and selected papers from that conference published on the Internet; Status report on the Geneva Act (1999) Accessions; Updated design patents database; Review of the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act hearing and U. S. Copyright and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office report on the operaiton of that Act.

William T. Fryer, III, February 2005, book published, The Geneva Act (1999) of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs, drafting history and analysis, publisher:  Kluwer Law International.

William T. Fryer, III, ABA, Section of IP Law, Committee 412 (Industrial Designs), Subcommittee Report on the Geneva Act (1999) of the Hague Agreement, including resolution in support of U. S. ratification of the Geneva Act (to be published in 2005).

William T. Fryer, III, Opinion Editorial, Law and Business Students Work Together, The Daily Record, 19 (February 4, 2005).

William T. Fryer, III, Introduction to special issue of the 10 University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Law Journal  61 (2002) (Published in 2004), containing papers from the FICPI 6th Open Forum on Designs, Nov. 14-17, 2001, article titled: An Overview of Industrial Design Law Global Development, 63 (assisted with the publication coordination of this issue).

William T. Fryer, III, Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement (Design Treaty, ABA-IPL Section Committee Report for Committee 412 (Industrial Designs), published in the ABA, Section of IP Law Annual Committee Reports volume (2004).

William T.Fryer, III, Optimizing Economic Benefits by Encouraging Use of Design Registration and Patent Protection, 85 Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 78 (2003) (published in October 2003).  This article was an expanded and more complete review of the paper presented at the ATRIP meeting in Tokyo, Japan, August 2003.

William T. Fryer, III, Global Public Health and Patents, The Daily Record 12A (October 24, 2003).

FryerNewsletter No. 6, published only on Fryer Institute web site, uploaded on June 5, 2003.

William T. Fryer, III, It's All in the Looks, . The Daily Record A10 (Feb. 8, 2003).

Graeme B. Dinwoodie, et al, International and Comparative Law (2002) treatise published portions of Professor Fryer's article.

William T. Fryer, III, European Union (EU) Revolutionizes General Industrial Design Protection, 84 Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 899 (2002) [This article was translated into Japanese and published in 47 Journal of the Japanese Group, A.I.P.P.I 802 (2002)].

William T. Fryer, III, Trade Dress Protection:  U.S. and International Developments - The Prospects for Goobal Harmonization, Proceedings of the ABA, Section of IP Law 810 [CD available from the ABA, 17th Annual IP Conference, April 11-12, 2002, Washington, D. C. (2002)].

William T. Fryer, III, The Geneva Act, Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs --  Status Report on International Acceptance, Review of Development History and How It Will Work, Proceedings of the ABA, Section of IP Law 745 (CD available from the ABA, Section of IP, Summer IPL Conference, June 26-30, 2002, Philadelphia, PA.

Lanny Herron and William T. Fryer, III, Ideas for Developing Country Universities in Teaching Technology Commercialization:  The Experience at the University of Baltimore School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland, U. S. A., published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on its web site (http://www.wipo.int/sme/en/welcome.htm), accessed on the Small and Medium-size Enterprise page with E-mail distributed publications (Newsletter), July 2002, viewed April 1, 2003.

William T. Fryer, III, New Design Protection Treaty -- Geneva Act -- Global Implementation, to be published in the ABA, IP Law Section, Annual Committee Reports Publication 2002-2003, as part of the Committee 412 (Industrial Designs) report.

William T. Fryer, III, Vessel Hull Design Protection Act -- Evaluation Comments -- Recommendations for Changes, to be published in the ABA, IP Law Section, Annual Committee Reports Publication 2002-2003, as a part of the Committee 412 (Industrial Designs) report.

William T. Fryer, III, Newsletter No. 5, published on professor's web site, uploaded April 11, 2002, including announcement on  the U. S. Ratification of the Geneva Act (new design treaty), a new article on the EU Commencement of the unregistered protection part of their Community Design Regulation System, and republication of a research report prepared for the ABA, IP Law Section Committee (Industrial Designs) 412 (2001-2002, on accessing statistics on filing and issuance of designed patents, and republication of the John Marshall article on trade dress, web site viewed April 1, 2003.

William T. Fryer, III and Estaban Burrone, "Interview of William T. Fryer, III, U.S. Patent Attorney, on Design Protection", published by the World Intellectual Property Organization on its web site (http://www.wipo.int), accessed on the Small and Medium-size Enterprise page with E-mail distribution in WIPO SME Newsletter, July 2002 viewed April 1, 2002.

William T. Fryer, III, written testimony filed prior to March 18, 2003 hearing in response to Copyright Office and Patent and Trademark Office request for comments on the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act, 17 U. S. C. sections 1301-1332, Federal Register Notice, Feb. 13, 2003 (Vol. 68, No. 30, page 7350-7351 (100 pages including appendices)..

Fryer, III, William T., U.S. PTO and WIPO Global Design Patent Statistics and Analysis, Comiittee 412 (Industrial Designs), ABA, Section of IP Law Annual Committee Reports 2001-2002 (to be published on Internet by Section); also published on Fryer Institutue web site, http://www.fryer.com,updated on April 12, 2002.

Fryer, III, William T., Trade Dress Protection: U.S. and International Developments - The Prospects for Global Harmonization, published in ABA, Section of IP Law Conference Proceeds April 11 and 12, 2002, on CD Rom, available from ABA, IP Section Administrative Office, contact information on Section web site http://www.abanet.org/intelprop.

Fryer, III, William T., Minutes of the AIPLA Industrial Designs Committee, held October 18, 2001, 2002 AIPLA Bulletin 40-41.

Fryer, III, William T., Vessel Hull Design Protection Act - USA:  Overview and Update, 46 Center for Law and Business at the University of Lausanne (CEDIDAC) 581-582 (2002).

Fryer, III, William T., Trademark Product Appearance Features, United States and Foreign Protection Evolution:  A Need for Clarification and Harmonization, 34 John Marshall L. Rev. 947-971 (2001).

Fryer, III, William T., An Overview of Industrial Design Global Developments (opening address at the FICPI Design Conference, Rome, Italy, Nov. 14-16, 2001 (accepted for publication in the University of Baltimore IP Law Journal).

Fryer, III, William T., Roundtable Discussion on the Future Development of the Design System, FICPI Design Conference, Rome, Italy, Nov. 14-16, 2001 (Transcript to be published in the University of Baltimore, IP Law Journal).

Fryer, III, William T., Committee 412 (Industrial Designs) Annual Report, ABA, Section of IP Law Annual Reports 2000-2001 (available on the Section web site, at http://www.abanet.org/intelprop.

Fryer, III, William T., Protection of Partial Design, Japanese Design Protection Association (2001) (in Japanese).

Fryer, III, William T., Intellectual Property and Treaties - Keys to International Business Success, 33 Maryland Bar Journal 18 (2000).

Fryer, III, William T., The Evolution of Market Entry Industrial Design Protection:  An International Comparative Analysis, 21 European Intellectual Property Review 618 (1999).

Fryer, III, William T., The Evolution of Market Entry Product Design Protection in the U. S., published by ATRIP (Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property), assisted by World Intellectual Property Organization, Proceedings (July 1999).

Fryer, III, William T., written testimony requested by U. S. Patent and Trademark office, on the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs, submitted for hearing held May 13, 1999 and published by that U. S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Fryer, III, William T., Annual Report of Committee 412 - Industrial Deisgns, American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property, prepared as chairman chair, approved March 1999, published in Annual Committee Report.

Fryer, III, William T., Review of University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Program, published on web site March 3, 1999, address:  http://www.ubalt.edu/iplsoc.

Fryer, III, William T., U.S. Protection of Well Known and Famous Marks, uploaded Sept. 24, 1998; submitted for the Indonesian Intellectual Property Society meeting in Bandung, Indonesia, held Sept. 25-26, 1998, paper submitted at the request of U.S. Embassy, Republic of Indonesia. Paper published on Fryer Web
Site, uploaded Sept. 24, 1998 to Fryer.com web site..

The papers only on the Fryer.Institite web site were:

          Fryer, III, William T., PTO Open House Report, up loaded Aug. 7, 1998;

U.S. Design Patent Special Statutues and Commentary, last updated on May 31, 1998;
Commentary on PTO Major Design Patent Rule Changes, last updated on Nov. 10, 1998;
Country and Regional Industrial Design Protection Feature, last updated Feb 16, 1998;
Fryer Newsletter No. 2, Nov. 10, 1997;
Fryer Newsletter No. 1, March 24, 1997;
U.S. Design Patents on Internet, last updated May 24, 1997;
Special Interest Web Sites on Industrial Design Protection, Last updated Aug. 3, 1998.
Fryer, III, William T., Obtaining Design Protection Worldwide Today and in the Promising Near Future, AIPLA Proceedings, Midwinter Meeting, La Quinta, CA (1998).

Fryer, III, William T., Vessel Hull Design Protection Act, Chuo University International Center Journal (to be published in 1998; translated into Japanese).

Fryer, III, William T., The 21st Century Design Patent System, 24 American Intellectual Property law Association Quarterly Journal (Nos. 2,3 & 4 1996) (Published in Jan. 1998).

Fryer, III, William T., Vessel Hull Design Protection Act paper submitted to the U.S. House, Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property, Committee of the Judiciary, and currently published on the Subcommittee web site (http://www.house.gov/judiciary/4.htm), and on the Professor Fryer's web site.

Report of Special Committee 351 (Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs), ABA, Section of Intellectual Property Law Proceedings 253-5 (1997).

Amicus Curiae Brief filed August 11, 1997, in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Appeal 97-1225, serial no. 29/020,787, In re Scott Daniels; this document was published on the Fryer web site, up loaded about August 11, 1998.

Fryer, William T., III, Internet Intellectual Property Research: and Publication: A Search for Quality and Gobal Communications, ATRIP Proceedings (1997).

Commentary, 37 Idea-The Journal of Law and Technology 623, 655, 666, 700, 733 and 738 (1997).

Report of Special Committee 351 (Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs), ABA, Section of Intellectual Property Law Proceedings (1996).

Fryer, III, William T., Seeking a Benefits Balance in the Industrial Design Treaty Revision (Hague Agreement): Fifth Meeting of Experts, Held June 13-16, 1995, 77 J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc'y 931-952 (1995).

Fryer, III, William T., Use of Utility and Design Patent to Protect the Same Product: A Strategy for Success, ABA, IPL Section Summer Conference Proceedings 75-102 (1995).

Report of the Committee on Industrial Designs, AIPLA, Bulletin 338-340 (1995).

Report of Special Committee 351 (Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs), ABA, Section of Intellectual Property Law Proceedings (1995).

Comments on 18 Months Publication of Patent Applications, Public Hearing Statement, February 14, 1995, published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, on Internet and as part of the hearing record.

Fryer, III, William T., International Industrial Design Protection Improvement: The Hague Agreement Revision, 2 U. Balt. Intell. Prop. L. J. 37 (1993) (published in 1995).

Future of the U.S. Substantive Examination System: Design Patent Law and Practice (52 pages), Tokyo Design Symposium, Conference Proceedings (Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 1994).

Report of the Committee on Industrial Designs, AIPLA, Bulletin 128-131 (1994).

Fryer,III, William T., More Bang for Your Design Protection Money: A Report on the Hague Agreement Third Meeting of Experts, 76 J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc'y 91-115 (1994).

Report of Special Committee 351 (Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs, ABA, Section of Intellectual Property Law Proceedings 302-304 (1994).

Fryer, III, William T., Report on Hague Agreement (Industrial Designs) Second Meeting of Experts, WIPO, April 27-30, 1992, 74 yJ. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc' 923-937 (1992).

Fryer, III, William T., International Review of Pending U.S. Design Legislation: Is It on the Right Track?, 73 J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc'y 905-930 (1991).

Fryer, III, William T., Symposium on Industrial Design Law and Practice, organized and assisted in editing Symposium publication; contributed following articles: Introduction to a Symposium, 1-6; A case History of Industrial Design Success: The Dove Lamp, 160-163; and Industrial Design Protection in the United States of America - Present Situation and Plans for Revision, 98-221, 19 University of Baltimore Law Review, No. 1 and No. 2 1989/1990 (published July 1991).

Fryer, III, William T., Design Users Suggest National Law Changes, EC Approach and Harmonisation Strategy: Federal Republic of Germany Surveys on Design Protection 2-14, A.I.P.P.I., Journal of the Japanese Group [Japanese translation of 1990 European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) article listed next below].

Fryer, III, William T., Design Users Suggest National Law Changes, EC Approach and Harmonisation Strategy: Federal Republic of Germany Surveys on Design Protection, 1990 EIPR (UK) 360-368.

Fryer, III, William T., Patent Law Harmonization Treaty Decision is Not Far Off - What Course Should the U.S. Take?: A Review of the Current Situation and Alternatives Available, 30 IDEA - The Journal of Law and Technology 309-354 (1990); the same article was published in the 72 J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc'y, 242-254 and 298 -333 (1990).

Fryer, III, William T., Industrial design Protection in the United States of America - Present Situation and Plans for Revision, WIPO Industrial Property Journal, March l988, ll5-l3l; the same article was published in the J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc'y 820-846 (1988).

Fryer, III. William T., An Academic's View on Patent Harmonization Proposals, Proceedings of the ABA-PTC Section Continuing Legal Education Conference, held March 24 and 25, l988, in Washington, D.C.

Fryer, III, William T., "Where the Action Is", Patent World, Jan. l988, 22-25 (describing the organization and operation of the ABA-PTC Section).

Fryer, III, William T., United States Legislative Activity, Patent World, 27 (1987) (related to patent law harmonization).

Congressional testimony, oral and written, on June 23, l988 before the Subcommittee on Courts ..., U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee on Industrial Design Protection Act, H.R. ll79 (l00th Cong., lst Sess.).

Congressional written testimony on Industrial Innovation and Technology Act of 1987, S.79l (l00th Cong., lst Sess.); testimony submitted to the Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee at the request of Senator DeConcini, in March l987.

Fryer, III, William T., Chairman Committee 305 (Industrial Designs) report, ABA-PTC Section Committee Reports (l986, l985, l984, and l983).

Fryer, III, William T., Industrial Design protection in the United States - A Proposal for Improvement, Proceedings, International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property; meeting held on September l7, l985, Geneva, Switzerland.

Fryer, III, William T., Protection of Ornamental Designs of Useful Articles - The Legislative Opportunity, Proceedings, ABA, PTC Section 160-193 (l982) (Appendix D).

Fryer, III, William T., The United States Patent Re-examination Process - Background, Explanation and Analysis, l0 EIPR 290 (l98l).

McGovern, Peter J., and Fryer, III, William T., The Drama of Formation, Operation and Changes for A South Dakota Non-Profit Corporation, l980, South Dakota Arts Council.

Fryer, III, William T., New California Non-Profit Corporation law: A Unique Approach, 7 Pepperdine University Law Review l (l978).

Fryer, III, William T., book review, Operating Problems of California Corporations, 66 Pepperdine University Law Review l (l978).

Fryer, III, William T., Antitrust Law Update for the South Dakota Practitioner - State Law Changes and the Federal Improvements Act, 23 South Dakota Law Review 3l (l978).


The preparation of a book on the history and operation of the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industial Designs is well on its way to completion.  Work on the  related treatise on Industrial Design Law and Practice continues, as time permits.


Continous development is occurring of the Fryer web site (http://www.fryer.com), devoted primarily to industrial design protection. The cost for this site and related equipments and software is paid entirely by Professor Fryer. A country by country listing of key industrial design protection publications has been started. A page has been started with an introduction and analysis of U.S. statutes on design patent protection.  A newsletter have been published, with information on new developments concerning industrial design protection. This web site functions as a worldwide focal point for research and distribution of information concerninng industrial design protection.


This page was last updated on March 9m 2005.